Gotcha! How's life readers? Did you get something from today? A special gift maybe?
First of all, I wanna say Happy Tuesday for everyone. Then. Last night I slept maybe at 2.00am to accomplish Indonesian assignment. Made a tale which sourced from Banyumanik. And luckyly Ghea gave me a story which told us about "Mbah Kramat". Sadly, when I was done with that and printed on papers, the teacher said we must collect it for 2 weeks more. What the.......................????????
And first lesson was Religion, second Economy and third Indonesian. My Indonesian teacher was explained about folklore and she started to got story telling like Pak Lebay, si Belalang, etc. Unfortunately, I've heard that story since I was primary school so I put my head on table while I'm listening to. Accidently...................I got to sleep! LOL XD And my teacher noticed then. Guess what happened then? Yup right she started with her "kwek-kwek" and getting angry. LOL I laughed stealthly.
Second, the last lesson. History. Like usual, our teacher just "kwek-kwek" and we just listened to her "kwek-kwek" damn bored. Then I picked my history book and started to read that. Unfortunately, she looked at me and quipped me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What-the-hell ya fyi I did better than I sleep you know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Rawr.
Moreover, I've a great news. Assa & Muthia just started their relationship today. And I kindly to say congratulations for you both. Wish y'all can have longlast relationship (:
And also for Satya & Icha, have you been in a relationship? They're confusing me --" But I hope they can be a couple, too :D
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