Sunday, December 08, 2024

Notes on Self-Study

So, after completing my scholarship training, I decided to go for the IELTS test. My target scholarship has different language requirements, and one of them is submitting a TOEFL score. Luckily, my TOEFL score hit the minimum.

But I figured, why not also get an official IELTS score? It could give me some extra peace of mind if I (then) need to apply for another scholarship. So, I started preparing for the IELTS recently, and now I’ve got exactly 20 days to study on my own.

After a week of studying, I’ve had some thoughts I want to share, both as a reminder for myself and maybe for anyone else going through something similar.

Discipline is Hard

Seriously guys, staying disciplined is nooo joke. I have so much respect for people who balance work and studying. I’ve been struggling to figure out when to study. I can’t seem to get up early enough, and by the time work ends, I’m just too tired and lose focus. So, how do you even decide when to study? 

In the end, I forced myself to study at least one skill a day—two is better, and four is ideal (since the IELTS tests writing, reading, listening, and speaking).

Focus, Focus, Focus

I don’t know if it’s that I’m bad at focusing in general, or if it’s just the timing or distractions, but I find focusing really tough. Reading academic texts for an hour? Hard. Listening to 40 minutes of native speakers? Exhausting. Honestly, studying just feels like a struggle. Every. Single. Time.

Last but not least, I’ve realized resilience isn’t exactly my strong suit. I’ve spent a lot of time in my comfort zone, avoiding challenges because I don’t like them.

At this point, I can’t help but envy people who speak English as their first language. It probably feels 90% easier for them. But hey, I’m trying to embrace the challenge!

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