Hi there. Already spent 5 days for school even not fully study at all. Cos some of our teacher still counfused with new timetable. And that's such an annoying thing. Ever.
Did you know what we'll face soon? Yup, Ramadhan. Ramadhan is the most special month in Hijriyah calender.
In this month, we all moslem have to fasting. Not only arrested for hunger and thirst but also for our appetite. I could guess, in this month almost all people changed to very very very nice people. They won't get anger easily, calm, etc.

Ramadhan always started from Ramadhan 1st Hijiriyah. Unfortunately, Indonesia used Masehi calender. So to decided when 1st Ramadhan will come, goverment especially religion ministry have to set up a meeting called "Sidang Isbat". Here we'll know when we can started to fasting. Like last year, there's always some difference happened. Islamic organization such Muhammadiyah or NU or etc usually set up their own meeting.

And the results was........people started to fasting with different day. Some of them started on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Muhammadiyah, I thought the biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia, decided that Ramadhan 1st day coincided on Friday. Meanwhile, our goverment decided it was Saturday. That's really makes us, moslem kinda confused.

My daddy said we have to obey goverment bcause their meeting accordance with Al-Qur'an rules. And yeah, I'll start to fasting on Saturday. Nevertheless, I respect whoever start to fasting tomorrow. How about you?

Happy fasting y'all. Wishing we can do the best and got reward as much as possible. Ameen! (:
Hi bloggies long time no see ya hihihihi *wink*
Holiday was end up. And school time coming. It means I'll got brainstorm, so many homework, etc. Cute, duh?
*take a deep breath*

Hari Sabtu kemaren udah pembagian kelas. Not too bad. Aku masuk di kelas XI IA 3. Yah walaupun pisah sama Tutik Meli Asih. Tutik got IA 7. While Meli got IA 5. And last, Asih got IS 1. Fyi, yang dari SLASH dikelas aku itu ada 5. Aku, Reisi, Ika, Faiza, sama Dewa. Dewa cantik sendiri hihihi. Pas hari itu aku dateng liat Meli, dia menyambutku dengan berkaca-kaca. Karena apa? Tak lain karena sekelas dengan kembarannya, Mendiang. Yah rada lebay sih si Meli tapi kalo aku jadi dia mungkin aku bakalan nelen air segalon buat ngeyakinin. God, what's wrong with me? Why must with her? Is she my soulmate?.........................

Alhamdulillahnya aku sekelas sama Nisa sama Anung. Ya udah kenal lama sih sama mereka lumayanlah nggak harus diem terus :3
Trus juga terakhir masuk kelas x-11 diusir soalnya buat kelas x-11 yang baru. Harapannya sih adek kelas ini bisa lebih lebih lebiiiih kompak dan heboh kayak SLASH. Ameeen ;)
Hari Senin ini yah.............gitu deh rada flat. Still awkward with new atmosphere. Missing SLASH so much. At last, aku harap bisa nerima kelas ini. Kelas ini bisa nerima aku. Aku bisa ngikutin pelajaran dengan baik. Yup, don't NATO! No Action Talk Only. See ya papay!