It's been exactly two weeks since new semester begin. I still need to pull myself knowing that I'm already on second year college student. Life goes so fast, right? This is my first post in February. What's already happen in this month:
- I got my notebook broken. HUHU. So sad because my notebook is already feels like half my life. OK sorry for being dramatic. Actually it's been a while since I noticed something wrong with it but I don't really paid attention so the result my notebook has to visit service center. Hopefully we meet soon, baby :')
- Group project everywhere! Heheh probably it's a common issue for college student rite so I don't have to complain. Just enjoy the learning process :)
- I start again to tahfidz. After long hesitation I decided to start it over again. There's no need to fast to memorize it. As long as I put whole-hearted in it and straighten my intention for Allah's sake only, I believe I can! Yayness.
- I start to learn reading. Not literally "read" but reading literature. All this time I only have interest on novel, novel, and novel. Now I need to expand my interest to literature, right? Even a page a day is okay. I inspired by Emma Watson whom goals to read a book a week. What a beautiful mind with beautiful face, heheh.
- Now I have some "kids" on my own. Whose kids? I have some kids I love in cyber team. Wish me luck on carrying this mandate.
Maybe that's enough for this post. If you find it too stiff to read, sorry. At least I try. Hihi. See you next post, peeps!
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Halo! Terimakasih sudah membaca. Setiap komentar masuk akan dimoderasi. Untuk komentar dengan anonim tidak akan saya balas, ya. Yuk biasakan menjadi diri sendiri di dunia maya!